Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Impressions,Expectations and Reality....!

You have to prove yourself everyday not to anybody else but to yourself as the impressions created yesterday though carry forward do not suffice for the mighty expectations of your own for the present day.
Everybody lives in the paradigm of their own imaginations expecting something out of everything they do everyday in their lives.Its the gap between the expectation and reality which really complicates the things. The reality I always believed is goverend by your perfromance at the moment. Your goals set at the beginning should not have a mask of fake belief but it should be weighed properly against your personal strengths to lower the risks of failures.
As a human behaviour we expect the best from us but fail to pool the efforts required to finish the task.While Expecting we dont leave any stones unturned but while traversing the path we somehow forget the best effort is required to achieve the best.
So expect 100% put 200% of your best effort and then check the reality, as you cannot see the reality materializing from the spectales of impressions created yesterday and expectations residing in future.