Monday, November 13, 2006

Folly and Pride :)

Folly and Pride belongs to continuity, put them deep in earth up they rise in a moment to show a knavish deceitful light.
-Captain Patch
This sentence of Captain Patch, in one lesson of english book of class 9th or 11th still lingers in my mind and had quite a profound effect on me. This sentence actually depicts two very important aspects of the human behaviour.
We make fool of ourselves so many times or to say compelled to behave that way by a sudden desire/impulse. The reasons may be so many and sometimes we dont even realize it. We may behave foolishly ( esp. in front of girls ) to impress them, to show we are cool ( thoug nowhere we are near to it ) etc...The ultimate part is we dont learn by mistakes and the same mistake may repeats itself in another form and then we travel along the continuous path of Foolishness just to our own dismay.
On the other hand Pride too finds place quite easily in our demeanour, if we achieve something we will be on Cloud 9, that is some or less acceptable by common mass, the real problem begins when we feel proud for something very trivial. This short-lived moment of ecstasy sometimes make others angry and lead to over-confidence.
The combined effect of Folly and Pride can just change the course of your direction, and will finally lead you to a situation where you have no easy way out. Once done by them you vow to outsmart them but instead you again fell victim unknowingly in a deceitful way.
So, to me, this line holds true and i ponder quite so many times to outdo them, sometimes i succeed but so many times i fail......!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one ....