Thursday, January 13, 2011

After 5 years.....!

It's just so happened that I went to Los Angeles with my wife to visit universal studios and disneyland and got a lucky chance to meet two of my college friends.
If universal and disneyland were planned, getting an email from my friend and getting a chance to see them was a surprised happiness.
We got together and literally picked the thread of conversation with topics which were left in college and thereby immeterialising the long 5 years gap between us. I always have bowed to the greatness of time but this time I hope, we dodged time..! It feels really so nice to talk to old friends and especially in the same way, brushing aside any professionalism of which we already are part of.
It also reminds me of one of the quotes from the novel 'The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Shalinger'.
"Dont even tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody." how true :)
Literally when you start talking about old days, most of the times you would remember only the good things and they come one by one.....almost a vicious circle of events....leading to one another.....never ending, ever charming...happily ever after types.......!
All in all, it was a nice trip and above all a nice small get together of old friends :)

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